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Olympic Flame Turkey
Golden Apricots Gida TicaretSponsor
Golden Apricots Gida Ticaret Icon
Golden Apricots Gida Ticaret is a supplier company specialized in dried fruits especially in apricot. Our aim is selling best quality product with a low price.
+90 507 277 57 51 | View ProfileAnkara, Turkey
Marmara PaintballSponsor
Marmara Paintball Icon
Marmara Paintball. Doga ile iç içe, ulasim sikintisi olmadan Istanbul'da Avrupa Yakasinda hizmet veren firmamizda sizleri de görmekten mutluluk duyariz.
+90 532 218 7718 | View ProfileBüyükçekmece, Istanbul  Turkey
You can go to online shop of MIOPS Smart and NT. Visit our online store to buy also time lapse, lighting, highspeed activated camera trigger.
8502231640 | View ProfileIstanbul, Istanbul Turkey
Avrupapatent Icon
We are a company registration consultant in turkey with a team of professionals.We can be a useful and reliable approach for your patent or invention searches needs, ranging from patentability, or preparing and prosecuting a patent application for the invention you have made. We can render quality service you need, that too cost effectively.For more updates visit to
2125195490 | View ProfileKonyaalti, Antalya Turkey
Onur DemirSponsor
Hizlaparakazanma Icon
Kolay para kazanma metodunu tamamen ücretsiz olarak sunuyoruz. Beni zengin yapan yöntem basit, sasirtici derecede basittir. Anlasilabilir ve tarafindan kullanilabilir. kimse. % 100 güvenilir ve ön ödeme veya gizli ücreti yok, MLM (Network Marketing) gibi degil.
View ProfileSan Francisco, Turkey
Bidding SourceSponsor
Bidding Source Icon
Bidding Source as a main source of world business tenders information has been established for helping to all companies active in any business field.
5352093766 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
Metal Die Casting Mold Release AgentSponsor
Metal Die Casting Mold Release Agent Icon
Buy Durable High Stability Die Casting Mold Release Agent in Wholesale Lowest Price! SAKURAI Metal Casting Mold Lubricant for Aluminum, Zinc Casting, etc
86-769-22623512 | View Profileankara, Turkey
Janni Icon
I am Jenni and I am a business owner. I use a Virtual Card for secure payment transfer. It helps me a lot in my business.I am grateful to VCC for making life easy
View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
Inser sogutmaSponsor
inser sogutma Icon
soguk oda, soguk hava deposu, endüstriyel sogutma sistemleri
0 532 331 00 60 | View ProfileIstanbul, Turkey
Urfa YöresiSponsor
Urfa Yöresi Icon
Thanks to urfayö, which prepares Urfa Yoresel flavors in the most natural form and presents them to you, you will also cheer your tables with flavors that are completely handmade and do not contain any chemical additives. The unique flavors of Urfa cuisine, from tomato paste to spices, from cheese varieties to nuts, come to your feet.The establishment purpose of our company; To present you the indispensable flavors of the Urfa region in a completely natural form and to make these tastes as accessible as possible, to introduce these excellent flavors to all over the country.Each of these tastes, which are all handmade and belong to Urfa, will be at your service with the best quality and reasonable price advantages. There are various product options in many categories on our site:Our Local Products: Home isot varieties, Siverek sheep cheese, Siverek braided cheese, Karacadag honey, homemade tomato and pepper paste, plain oil, grape molasses, flower okra, hot and sweet pepper.Nuts: Urfa pistachio, walnut, fruit pulp, atomic walnut sausage, raisins, Magic Syrian chips.All of our products are completely domestic and at the same time offered for sale as first quality.We would like to state that you are at the right place to meet these traditional and completely handmade flavors of the Southeast. By helping you to obtain quality at an affordable price, we deliver our products you have purchased by cargo as soon as possible. For information, you can ca
+90 539 550 63 20 | View Profile63000 Eyyübiye/Sanliurfa, Turkey
Unique Ephesus toursSponsor
Unique Ephesus tours Icon is renowned Fully Licensed Tour Company in Turkey. We have a team of the best tour guides that arranges the personal private tours which are customized according to your preference, time, interests and budget. Visit our site for more info.
0090 542 283 1327 | View Profilekusadasi, AYdin Turkey
EMSA GeneratorSponsor
EMSA Generator Icon
Here at Emsa Generator, we keep your world in power over the last 40 years with great passion...1 Brand... 6 Continents... 102 Countries and Counting!
0850 225 36 72 | View ProfileSancaktepe, Istanbul Turkey
Transkriptor Icon
Automatically transcribe audio, turn your audio or video to text. Upload your file and convert your audio to text with Transkriptor. Transkriptor’s powerful artificial intelligence generates online transcriptions within few minutes. Transkriptor is used by many professionals or students. Transkriptor is the best assistant for interview transcription, lecture transcription and video transcription. Transkriptor creates editable TXT, word or SRT files. You can download your transcriptions within seconds or you can use Transkriptor’s online editor for easy and quick editing. Sign up Transkriptor today and be more productive in school, work, and life.Transkriptor is powered by state of the art artifical intelligence algorithm. Therefore, Its accuracy can reach 99% (depends on the language and audio quality). Transkriptor learns speech patterns and its accuracy improves everyday.Even though Transkriptor is one of the most powerful artificial intelligence solutions, it is extremely easy to use. Transkriptor is an online speech-to-text converter and no installation required. Simply upload your file and start.Transkriptor allows you to avoid the time and pain of manually converting audio or video to text. It creates a draft text automatically and provides an intuitive text editor, so that you can create 100% accurate transcription.
+905498032611 | View ProfileAtasehir/Istanbul, Turkey
Dermak Makina ve Spare Parts Industry Ltd.Sponsor
Dermak Makina ve Spare Parts Industry Ltd. Icon
The move towards national industrialization after the start of the Republican era was the most important factor in the development of the young republic. Countries exist as a result of their integration with the developing world. Having been dependent on foreign countries for machine purchases, our country commenced its own production after the second half of the 1950s.With is foundations laid by Mustafa Dereli in a small workshop in Bayrampasa, after 1975 our firm continued its activities under the title Dermak in a relatively larger space in Güngören.Since 1995, it has been producing “Made inTurkey” high-quality machines at its current modern production space in Esenyurt.''machinery, machine, pvc mixer, batching, dosing systems, Dermak, Dermak machine Dermak machine, pvc, cooling mixer, gravimetric, metallic bonding, composite, polymer, laboratory mixer, paste mixer, screen, jet filter
02126721728 | View ProfileEsenyurt, Istanbul Turkey
bursaulasnakliyat Icon
bursa evden eve nakliyat
View Profilebursa, Turkey
fazx789now Icon
0000000000 | View ProfileTurkey
Iso 9001 belgesiSponsor
iso 9001 belgesi Icon
iso 9001 belgesi, vegan belgesi ve vegan sertifikasi “Dünya’ nin en yaygin belgelendirmelerin” birisidir.
View Profilependiik, istanbul Turkey
1casino.infoSponsor Icon
Canli Casino Siteleri bilgilendirmeleri giris adresleri rulet ve diger casino oyunlari incelemeler degerlendirmeler ve merak ettiginiz tüm cevaplar burada.
View ProfileAnkara, Turkey
Ruya TabiriSponsor
Ruya Tabiri Icon
Yapay zeka destekli rüya tabirleri ile bilinç altinizi yakindan taniyin.
+905434576502 | View ProfileAnkara, Turkey
Ecogloballabels Icon
IBI, amaçlari kar amaci gütmeyen bir kurulus olarak tanimlanir. Kurumsal kimligi, politika yönergeleri ve uyguladigi yüksek hizmet standartlari ile IBI, diger kuruluslara, NSO-NAP 3 Ecogloballabel Standardini gelistirme ve belgelendirme hizmetlerinde kullanma yetkisi ve akreditasyon saglar. Eko etiketleme ve sürdürülebilirlik konusundaki bu uzmanlik, IBI'nin önde gelen bir belgelendirme kurulusu olarak taninmasini saglar.
+902163054699 | View Profileistanbul, Turkey
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